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at Duke Street

We have three to four women-only events throughout the calendar, including breakfasts, an away day, Summer event and a Christmas Craft outreach event. These are open to women of any age and are often suitable to bring a friend to.


Mum’s the Word meets every other Monday in term-time at 10.00am in our Fellowship Hall. It’s an opportunity for mums to meet together to study the Bible, enjoy fellowship, coffee and cake. There is a crèche for babies and young children.

For more details, please contact the Church Office.


Mum Space is a bridge-building ministry, inviting mums from Richmond town to come into our church, to be supported in their parenting through topic-led teaching and discussions. Within this framework they will also learn Biblical truths and hear of the experiences of God’s wisdom and care in the lives of the church mums who come.

We believe this format breaks down barriers and prejudice towards the Gospel as they experience love, care and Truth. Bible studies have followed from this.

All mums are welcome who have children 0-11years. The cost is £3 which includes a creche, coffee and cake. Runs weekly during term-time on a Friday 9:45-11:30.

If you have interest in joining the team do get in touch too.

Contact Cid Sparks 07936944389


MumsNext welcomes all mums with school-age children, preschoolers or babies, and meets monthly at 8.00pm, for a fun evening together at a leader’s home, to hear a guest speaker, do a small craft and have group discussion, with refreshments. Each December we have a Christmas dinner together at Duke Street Church.


For more information email Lynda Parkin.



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