from all nations
An important part of our mission as a church is to support gospel partners and projects in different locations around the globe. Here is an overview of where some of that support reaches:

David and Lucy Eastwood work for OMF and are based in Taipei, Taiwan.
David is currently the field director for OMF Taiwan overseeing around 70 missionaries from 15 different nationalities. David enjoys helping new missionaries understand the challenges of cross–cultural evangelism and finding creative ways of teaching the bible within Taiwanese churches.
Lucy is Taiwanese and is employed locally as a social worker and gets alongside families and students.
Their daughter, Naomi, is a student in England.
Ben is a “Yorkshire Kiwi” – born in Leeds, England and has lived in various parts of the English-speaking world, including the USA, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and now New Zealand. He's married to Jen, who is Northern Irish, and they have three children – Sam, Josh and Hannah. Ben and Jen moved to NZ to work with TSCF in 2008, where I’ve served in a variety of roles prior to becoming the National Director in 2019.
He is passionate about sharing Jesus with students, seeing them come to know Him themselves and grow more like Him.

Yosry Ghobry works amongst the Arab community and has given 35 years working as an evangelist among Arabic-speaking people in London.
He counts it a great privilege to have these opportunities to share the good news of the gospel with those who cannot have a copy of the Bible or hear the message of the gospel in their own country.

Insight is a Christian Schools Work Trust that has been working in local schools in Kingston Upon Thames since 1988 and now Richmond. The team serves local schools through presenting Christianity in a number of different forums.
Hywel Ling-Davies is expanding the ministry of Insight into the borough of Richmond through assemblies in schools. They are involved regularly in assemblies for pupils of all ages throughout the primary range. These are a lot of fun and can be a great tool to challenge the children about questions relating to faith and give a Christian perspective on issues.

Cirkev Bratska are a group of church planters based in Bratislava, Slovakia but working throughout the country training and equipping pastors.
Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) teaches bible handling skills to Zambian men and women in their own culture and context.
PIZ trains preachers in order to grow churches. They hope that those they train will in turn train others, as per 2 Timothy 2:2. The PIZ course lasts one year and provides affordable and accessible teaching for church leaders across the country.
The PIZ syllabus includes principles of biblical exposition, Christian ethics, pastoral care, missiology and the study of specific bible books and genres. All students are attached to local churches where they are trained for practical ministry and can put into practice what they are learning.

The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to fulfill God's purposes (Isaiah 55: 10-11; Hebrews 4:12). If God's people and the world around them are not faithfully exposed to God's Word, then there is no real change, and that happens through biblical exposure. This course, week after week, trains its students in this sacred and great task of being a faithful biblical expositor. The specific objective of this course is to develop skills in handling the Word of God.