at Duke Street
Every believer in the Lord Jesus is by definition a part of the family of God by adoption and a member of the body of Christ, the Church of God which He purchased with His precious blood. This universal church transcends space and time and comprises all believers in all places at all times.
But every believer also needs to belong to a particular church in a particular place. We need this so that we can find companionship in our Christian pilgrimage, accountability in our walk with God, teaching from the Word of God, access to the gospel ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and godly discipline when we go astray.
Being a member of a church is more than an administrative issue. It is a gospel issue as together we witness to the world by our unity in Christ. It is only ‘together with all the saints that we grow up into him who is the head, even Christ.’ together we can ensure that sound doctrine is preached and that error does not go unchallenged.
The basis of membership is a credible confession of repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, signified in Christian baptism.
Specifically we commit ourselves to these ends: -
To pray for, sit under, and be supportive of the preaching of the Word of God.
To sign and uphold the Doctrinal Basis
- To play our part within the church family. This means realising that each one of us is gifted to serve. The Minister (as the teaching elder) has a gift and calling to lead the church and preach the gospel. This is a calling for which he will answer on the last day. But every member is given gifts by Christ to use for the service of the saints. So we have no clericalism here, we recognise that every believer has something to contribute to the growth and well-being of the body.
- To commit to ‘meet together’ with our brothers and sisters so that God’s Word may be heard and God’s glory may be praised and the gospel ordinances may be administered.
- To submit to and pray for those who are in authority over us in the Lord, that is, the Elders of the Church who share the burden of care for the congregation.
- To support the church’s corporate witness through prayer for its life and ministry; through financial support of its work; and through attendance at Church Members’ Meetings.
For more information on membership contact Simon Pethick.
You can download a Membership Application form here.
Once completed please send it to Simon Pethick.