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Safeguarding : Adults

Adults need safeguarding too – some adults need protection because their circumstances put them particularly at risk, whether temporarily or permanently. This may be due to physical or mental disability, illness, addiction, age, victims of domestic abuse/violence or a stressful life event. As a result, they may have difficulty in making or communicating decisions, taking care of themselves, or protecting themselves against harm or exploitation.


It is also important to recognise that those who have survived abuse, as a child or/and adult, are vulnerable and need to be respected and protected within the Church.


There are legal frameworks in relation to protecting adults who are vulnerable, such as the Care Act 2014, and any concerns in relation to an adult who needs safeguarding, either disclosed or identified from situations outside of Duke Street Church, or situations which arise within Duke Street Church, need to be reported to the Safeguarding Lead, and should be referred to the Local Authority.  There is an Adult Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is able to support and discuss cases with those who refer adults where there may be concerns. 


Adults who have experienced abuse need to be listened to and  respected in relation to their situations.  It is important that they maintain control of any information and action, and are always made aware of what is happening to their information.  However, there may be unique situations where a decision is made to forward information concerning a vulnerable adult even when that person does not want that to happen.  These decisions should be discussed fully and comprehensively with the Safeguarding Lead, and must consider the safety and protection of the vulnerable person as priority.  


If an adult discloses abuse, it is important to;

  1. Listen and keep listening, ensuring that clear records are taken and that, if possible, the same person is involved to continue listening.

  2. As with children, never promise confidentiality, as this may not be possible

  3. If there is immediate danger, action needs to be taken, and possibly the police and social services involved.

  4. Update the Safeguarding Lead as soon as possible, and review the plan for the person who has disclosed on a regular basis.


In relation to safeguarding adults, there is always a need to ensure that particular teams, such as the Care Team and Manna House team, have an awareness of safeguarding adults and are able to offer care and protection appropriate to the group of people they work with. 



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